Tips For Creating Content In India

This is a very long post, so to keep my fellow Indian men entertained, I Googled the most searched women in India and put their pictures in the post. Nothing vulgar because it’s a PG-13 blog. Sorry guys!

Most Important Tip: Use random images of foreigners doing stuff. Indian men tend to click on those links. 

Today we celebrate the one year anniversary of the last post I wrote on this blog… actually it’s not exactly a year, but it has been a lot of time since I opened this small blog. Truth is I kinda forgot about it. Then I opened it in the morning and saw people are still reading the random stuff I have written over the years.

First of all, thank you for still reading my posts. Means a lot to me. I have no idea how someone in Samoa came to know about this blog … apparently, some people read my blog posts this year; or they Googled my name.

If you like what you see here, then please check out the website that actually drains my wallet… (this one was free).

I started a digital magazine sometime back and thought of establishing a full-fledged content development company. But then two days later I got a job. Since I had already paid for two years, I had to follow my passion for writing.

Since I am really good with names, I came up with this brilliant idea of calling my magazine – The Uncontrolled. Because naturally, that’s the word that comes to people’s minds when they hear the term ‘Magazine’.

Tip no. 1: Before you buy a domain or start a website or even a company, make sure you Google whatever names come to your mind. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a name that is usually used with terms like diarrhoea.

Most people don’t know this about me (because no one actually knows who I am)…

Here’s an image of  the most searched woman in India – Sunny Leone

Sunny Leone (1)


I am an engineer – a Computer Engineer to be precise. I started enjoying writing when I was in college. I wrote a lot of exams, wrote so much in my answer sheets… my answers had nothing to do with our syllabus, but I enjoyed writing every random sentence that came to my mind. I am still not sure how I cleared those exams.

Stuff happened and somehow I managed to land an internship as a content writer in a lifestyle magazine. Then I got a job as a content developer in another startup, then I went back and became a content manager in that magazine. And all that happened in a span of just two years. And now I am working in product in an AI company. (Yeah! my career is a lot like Jack Donaghy’s life in 30 Rock).

Coming back to the topic. I bought a website and then I got a full-time job, so I had to manage that and my job.

I know what you are thinking, why the fudge is this dude writing crap about his life when he promised tips in the title? and also, why didn’t I just quit my job and focus on my magazine?

Well, to answer both your questions – you can’t say no to a job and start a venture when you are living with your parents in India.

Here is an image of some Indian actress who recently started creating adult content

Sunny Leone (1)


So I had a magazine and I did what I always wanted to do when I worked as a writer for other companies. When I created content for other companies, I had to write about parties I didn’t want to attend, wrote about musicians without even listening to their music, wrote listicles or Top 10s about people or places I knew nothing about… at one point, I wrote about HR policies and reviews of places that weren’t even in my city.

Tip no 2: Never take a job as a content creator just for the paycheck in India. You’ll hate your job after the second day. 

I decided to write what I wanted Indians to read and choose quality over quantity.

Tip no 3: Don’t expect money from your website if you write what you want people to read or choose quality over quantity. Unless you are a good-looking person who loves clicking selfies in stylish outfits, young Indians won’t give a crap about your website.

In case you didn’t know, there aren’t many successful content developers in India who do what I did with my magazine.

Here’s an image of adult entertainer who has an Indian background and is loved by many Indian men.

Sunny Leone (1)


I wanted to create an online space that talks about people who are following their passion and working hard to make a difference. People who actually have interesting lives, people who work hard to inspire and teach others important and valuable lessons.

Fun Fact:  I do not find internet celebs (both men and women) wearing underwear or doing ‘raunchy’ photo shoots interesting. You wore clothes and posed for some pervs… big whoop! (I don’t have anything against it, but I have a problem when everyone wants to do it because of you).

Tip no 4: If you say stuff like that, chances are most Indian men won’t agree with you. Deep down, they’ll ignore you and hate you so much. 

I started The Uncontrolled. Some amazing people I knew helped me out and shared their stories with me. I started getting requests soon. With a crazy idea in my mind, I ended up starting something that was not going to give me a single penny in return.

Here is an image of a famous male model showing his abs. For my female followers.

Sunny Leone (1)


Tip no 5: If you want to make money through content, give the people what they want. people want controversial content, gossip about the lives of celebrities who are making a huge impact on this planet, pictures of stomachs of Indian women (Indian men love those for some reason), and the most fudging confusing thing, profanity. 

Unsurprisingly, Scoopwhoop and MensXP are the biggest content developers in India.

Another important decision I made for UNC (that’s what I call The Uncontrolled because I am super amazing with words)… was to do long interviews and try to share every aspect of a person’s life.

Tip no 6: If you want readers on your website, don’t write long articles or posts. Otherwise, people will close the screen immediately. Sometimes they will close the screen of a story you wrote… in front of you… after you showed it to them. Happens with me every time. Trust me, 90% of the readers left even before they read the first tip in this post. 

It’s been more than a year and I have spoken to some beautiful human beings. I never got any financial returns by writing about these people, but talking to them, writing their stories, I realized that it shouldn’t be about the money. None of them cared about it, then why should I?

Here’s an image of a South-Indian actress showing her midriff. Don’t know why someone would Google that.

Sunny Leone (1)


Every story taught me something new and motivated me to find the next story. Soon I’ll have to make an important decision, whether I should let the domain expire and shut UNC down or pay more out my pocket the keep my baby alive for a couple of more years. Whatever happens, I won’t hesitate to start another magazine or blog that follows the same path.

Tip no 7: Do what you want. Create the content you want to watch or read. There are literally billions of us on the internet and soon everyone will create some kind of content. If you don’t find a way to make your work unique, then you’ll just be another brick in the wall. After 10 years people may forget the viral celebs of 2018-19, but they’ll never forget the band that created that song. 

Every link in this post goes to my UNC so you better check it out. If you like it and want me to write about someone you know or if you feel you have an interesting story to tell, just talk to me.

Important Note: Sir/Ma’am, if you have been trying to refresh the screen just to see the images, it won’t work. Did you really think I’d put those pictures here? If you refreshed it more than 3 times, I salute your dedication to look at half-naked images of other human beings.




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